Hartland in Hindsight #11- Green Initiatives

Michigan Green Communities

Over the past decade, the phrase “Green Living” has snuck into our vocabularies and played a major role on how we, as human beings, do business and live in the world around us.  With a mindset shift toward sustainability, Hartland Township has intentionally reexamined its role in the framework of being good stewards of our environment while discovering the lifestyle and ecological benefits that come with green living.

In 2018, the Township created a five-member internal government sustainability team (the GREEN team) to seek green opportunities for Township Hall employees along with providing residents information on eco-friendly actions within the community. Initiatives around the Township Hall have included increased access to recycling, installing motion sensor lights, and encouraging employees to volunteer for community green initiatives such as our annual Large Item Clean Up day.

“A recent green initiative includes the replacement of our public streetlight fixtures in the fall of 2019,” explains Hartland Public Works Director Bob West. “Our old, archaic lighting system was draining energy and funds. The GREEN team worked with DTE to apply for a federal rebate to partially cover the cost of new LED lights. Ultimately, the board approved the rest of the project’s cost- a price that will pay for itself in two years due to energy savings.”

The GREEN team also made a concerted effort to measure these green initiatives quantitatively, allowing them to participate in the Michigan Green Communities Challenge. This statewide program, launched in 2009, creates a roadmap for municipal sustainability initiatives while establishing benchmarks for a community’s progress. As a first-year challenge participant in 2018, Hartland earned a Bronze Award.

Board Member and champion for Hartland’s green initiatives, Matt Germane recognizes the importance of this distinction for our community.

“Hartland Township seeks to do what is right and proper as good stewards of the public’s money, not for publicity,” states Germane. “However, to be recognized by our peers as a Michigan Green Community confirms our ideas and approach is on-track and helping to support the community as a desirable location to live for future generations.”

And as we continue to live with a growing focus on sustainability, we in turn are living to create a future for Hartland and those residing in it!